Shops around Ginkakuji Temple in Kyoto



Shops around Ginkakuji Temple

Honey specialty store : Sugi Yohoen


This shop is a honey specialty store on the shopping street near Ginkakuji. The shop recommends a honey soft ice cream, but this time I had a blueberry honey drink. It is a refreshing drink with the gentle sweet taste of honey. There are many other flavors available. In the store, there are many products using domestic honey, which has high rare value.

64 Ginkakuji-cho Sakyo-ku Kyoto
web :  Website



Chocolate specialty store : BEL AMER


It is a Japanese chocolate specialty store. There are many chocolates with unique Japanese tastes and cute sweets that are particular about Kyoto materials in the store. And it sells limited products.



I bought a sake chocolate named “Mizuho no Shizuku”. Kyoto sake is used for the chocolate. The chocolate design that looks like a Masu (Japanese sake glass) is very cute. It was elegant and refined sake taste. There are other kinds of flavors like Japanese tea and domestic fruits. Carefully selected materials from Japan are used.

75-1 Ginkakuji-cho Sakyo-ku Kyoto


Click here for information of Ginkakuji Temple.






I'm a Japanese woman. I like sightseeing and go around sightseeing spots in Kansai, Japan and Introducing highlights and favorite shops.